The Best Time To Send An Email Is Sunday At 3:00 P.m, A Survey Found, But Experts Warn This Could Be A Form Of 'technoinvasion'
- The best time to send an internal work email is Sunday at 3:00pm, as the email is most likely to be open.
- Experts warn that colleagues may feel that work is intruding on their personal lives.
- A new study by Axios HQ looked at the average open rate of 8.7 million emails sent to their platform.
Sunday is the best time to send an email, according to a new study.
Axios Headquarters, a company that "builds AI-powered software that helps businesses manage their critical communications," reported an average open rate of 8.7 million emails sent through its platform between January 2022 and March 2023. Analyzed and found that Sunday 3pm to 6pm is the golden time to send an email.
It found that 94% of emails sent during this period were opened, and 86% of emails sent between 6pm and 9pm on the same day were also opened. This may be partly due to the fact that people have fewer competition emails in their inboxes on Sundays, making them more likely to be viewed.
People who send emails "at times of low competition, like Sunday evenings," can be sure that they are in the spotlight (and at the top of the inbox) at the most available time for their readers. Like first thing on Monday morning. " , Axios headquarters reported.
While some workers see it as an invitation to show off their work ethic, one expert warns it could be a form of "technological intrusion."
Dr Matthew Davies, Associate Professor at the University of Leeds Business School, told the Times of London: “There is such a thing as techno-invasion. And there is a feeling that work technology is invading personal life as well. And we know that this is a phenomenon called "techno-invasion". This is because people feel more stressed and dissatisfied with their work and work-life balance.'
Davies added: "I'm worried people are going to look at it and think, 'I'm going to post more of this over the weekend.' It's a sense of heaviness."