Japan Is Eyeing Heterogeneous Integration On Way To Massproduce 2nm Chips

Japan Is Eyeing Heterogeneous Integration On Way To Massproduce 2nm Chips

As Japan develops mass production technology for 2nm chips, it is looking to not only increase the density of transistors on a single chip, but also to combine multiple chips with different integrations.

In the year Since its foundation in August 2022, Rapidus has focused on various integrations, aiming to integrate multiple molds into a single system through 2.5D and 3D integration. According to its website, the Japanese semiconductor maker plans to work with its Western counterparts to develop next-generation 3D LSI using advanced LSI technology and mass-produce sub-2nm chips.

In June, Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry revised its semiconductor and digital industry strategy to include 2.5D and 3D packaging and silicon bridges in 2018. In the second half of 2020, METI intends to intensify efforts to jointly develop these technologies and implement advanced packaging technologies for sub-2nm chips, and establish a Leading Semiconductor Technology Center (LSTC) to cooperate with institutions and manufacturers fast research and abroad.

Nikkei Electronics announced that Japanese companies have formed JOINT2 (Jisso Open Innovation Network of Tops 2). The METI-backed consortium, which includes members Renosac, Ajinomoto Fine-Techno, Uyemura, Ebara, Shinko Electric Industries, DNP, Disco, TOK, Namics, Panasonic Smart Factory Solutions, MEC, Yamaha Robitscs Holdings and Orc Manufacturing, will provide Rapius with enhanced capabilities and collaboration.

Despite the lack of known wafer makers and OSAT companies, Japan wants to use its advantages in materials and equipment to enter semiconductor manufacturing. However, the development of chipset technologies in Japan may not require the United States to create its own semiconductor ecosystem. Also, the UCIe consortium, whose goal is to coordinate operational standards for chipset technology, does not include Japanese companies as members. It is not yet known if these problems will affect the various mergers of Japanese companies.