Minecraft: 20 Best Biomes For Survival
Over the years, Minecraft has added many biomes to make the world more exciting and interesting to explore and create. Biomes cover a wide range of habitats, and while some may be difficult to access, such as ocean or desert, others can make the game easier to access.
Whether it's abundant resources, few threats, or unique perks, here are the best biomes players will need for a Minecraft survival game.
Updated by Anastasia Mayo on October 26, 2023. Summer 2023 brought players to Minecraft 1.20, which introduced a biome that had been on many players' wish lists for some time: Cherry Forest. Rosewood has also been added to the game, which is great news for creative builders who want to see new colors for wood and planks. While the update brought many other cool features like archeology, smell tools, and some decorative items, Cherry Forest was definitely the highlight of version 1.20.
20 cherry orchard
- Cherry Tree
- Hurry - quickly
- sheep
- donkey
It took a while, but the cherry has finally popped in Minecraft . Previously, these beautiful pink trees could only be found in a few select biomes mods, but players can now enjoy them while playing vanilla Minecraft if they download version 1.20.
Considering the aesthetic of these trees and how Mojang went to great lengths to give them the effect of falling leaf particles, it should be easy to create nice rules for this biome. This is usually a biome found in the mountains and resembles a grassland. can cause.
This means that players can also enjoy the wonderful scenery when they come across a very tall cherry tree. The new cherry trees contain a new type of wood, cherry, which has a unique color perfect for this biome.
19 mangrove swamps
- Mangroves
- Dirt
- Hot frog
- Excavations
Finally, the game's new swamp variety brings some spice to Minecraft's ancient swamp areas . Swamps are generally not a player favorite due to the muddy color of the water and the fact that the terrain can sometimes be criss-crossed with water, creating small puddles here and there. However, the new mangroves have a different kind of aesthetic: mangroves can inspire players to build, but keep in mind that this biome is devoid of most of the passive mobs that are used as food, which makes it difficult.
In terms of natural resources, mangroves are very similar to a regular swamp. However, in this swamp version, players will have access to mangrove trunks and can find a flock of white hot frogs living in this swamp. The mangrove biome also contains many mud blocks. As with regular swamp biomes, the main benefit of living in a swamp is that slime is generated regularly. During a full moon, players may see them spawn in large numbers, making slime farming up to ten times easier than some of the other biomes on this list.
18 stone pieces
- Calcite
- Emerald green
- Outposts with loot
This new biome is called Stony Peaks and was included in Minecraft update 1.18 . In terms of visuals, the biome is very impressive. This is a warm and lush version of all three mountaintop biomes, making it perfect for players who want to build at high altitudes with great views.
Although grass and trees can be found, passive mobs do not spawn in this biome. This might make foraging a bit difficult, but why bother when you can find emeralds and build a beautiful mountain home on these peaks?
17 edge
- sheep
- donkey
- Hurry - quickly
- Emerald green
- Bees and honeycombs
- Birch
- Oak trees
- Small towns
- Outposts with loot
Are you looking for a home located at a high elevation but with lush landscaping? Then a new grassland biome might be the perfect place. Although they do not appear on mountaintops, they usually appear near or at least at a slight elevation.
The grasslands are lush biomes containing sheep and bees, and you can also find a lot of flowers and emeralds as they are usually associated with mountains. They can also create cities, making them very suitable biomes for base building. Just keep an eye out for rogue outposts.
16 food cave
- Sea urchin
- Shiny squid
- Tropical fish
- Azalea (and all associated clusters)
- Throw away the paper
- Foam block and mat
- Spore flowers
- Bright berries
- prison cell
- Shafts
- Amethyst geode
- Fortresses
Living in a cave may not be the best option for many Minecraft players, but a lush new cave biome makes the idea very appealing. Green Caves are underground areas covered in moss, azaleas and vines. There are also ponds where a new horde of sea urchins can spawn along with glowing squid, creating a very magical environment.
This cave biome is quite rare, but for brave players, it is worth it. It's a beautiful environment, and with proper lighting, crowds won't be a problem either, since version 1.18 only shows mobs in complete darkness. The advantage of living in a leafy cave is that there is always a mine nearby, and possibly dungeons and other structures.
15 taiga
- wolf
- sheep
- pig
- cow
- Hurry - quickly
- fox
- Taiga village
- Sweet berry forest
- Fir review
- Spruce leaves
Besides the regular forest zone, Taiga is probably the most common biome in the entire game. It's easy to find yourself here, and although it may seem a bit dull and boring, in the end it has its benefits. For a quick start, this is definitely a great place to build a home.
There are a lot of resources there, mostly wood and probably a ton of cave systems. Also, for those who like to tame dogs, several packs of wolves usually nest here. Other passive mobs will also appear in large numbers, as will foxes. It is very balanced and one of the best biomes to live in in Minecraft .
14 swamp
- sheep
- A chick
- cow
- flower vase
- charming
- Swamp House
- Excavations
- Route de Lys
- kelp
- pride
- Vineyards
- Oak blocks
- Blue lizard
- Mushrooms
- Dead tree
No one can deny that the swamp biome is the ugliest biome in the entire game of Minecraft . The color of the water and grass does not encourage anyone to come and camp here. In terms of pure resources, it's a great place to live, with plenty of passive mobs and woods around.
Its proximity to the water also allows for the cultivation of sugarcane, and since it is a swampy area, mushroom stew is also found there. Slime will appear best here, especially when the moon is full. This is a good place to get mucus.
13 forest flowers
- sheep
- pig
- A chick
- cow
- Hurry - quickly
- Oak log
- Birch log
- honeycomb
- More expensive
- Lily of the valley
- Rose bush
- purple
- Peony
For players who prefer something a little more aesthetically pleasing, but are still very comfortable with classic survival, why not look into the Flower Forest? These forests are probably at their best because of the many beautiful flowers dotting their grassy surface.
In addition to lots of flowers, there will be many beehives on the trees. For players who want to create an easy bee farm in Minecraft , there is no better place than the Flower Forest. All other useful resources, such as food and wood, as well as caves, are also plentiful here.
12 bamboo forest
- sheep
- pig
- A chick
- cow
- parrot
- Panda
- Podzolis
- Bamboo
- Vineyards
- Jungle Magazine
- Oak log
- melon
Another unique biome is the Bamboo Jungle biome, which is a twist on the classic jungle biome everyone knows and loves. The benefit of a bamboo forest is that it is easier to clean when making room for the house, and it has a beautiful, vibrant green color that is perfect for an ideal survival home.
There are a lot of forests around, usually jungle. Setting up a bamboo farm or panda sanctuary is very simple. Bamboo is also a great fuel for some Redstone XP farms, helping players level up these spells. From a survival perspective, the Bamboo Forest is probably one of the best biomes to live in Minecraft .
11 Crooked Forest
- grandfather
- Large twisted mushroom
- Luminous drops
- The rest of the stronghold
- wash
- The gates were destroyed
- Lower forts
- Twisted nylium
- netherak
- Twisted stem
- A mass of twisted warts
- Black stone
- Gravel
- Mushroom light
- Twisted roots
- Raspberry islands
- Twisted mushroom
- Raspberry mushroom
- Mushrooms
- Teenagers
- Vines swaying
With the new Nether 1.16 update, the Nether has a whole new face. There are a lot of new biomes to discover, and while many of them look cool, only one is actually very good for rare life in the Underworld. Yes, that's right: surviving in the Netherlands today is completely possible.
Reclaimed wood is the best choice for a survival home. There are tons of wood here, and no other monsters spawn in this biome except for Enders. The mushroom will also repel any pigs, helping you defend your home and perhaps even create a food farm for the pigs. The possibilities are limitless. Remember: sleeping in bed is not an option! If you live in the Netherlands, this is the best biome in Minecraft .
10 birch forest
- sheep
- pig
- A chick
- cow
- Birch log
- honeycomb
- Rose bush
- purple
- Peony
- Lily of the valley
Birkboss is one of the most popular spawning biomes and is suitable for beginners . It is a large field in which many birch trees grow. White trees are useful for spotting monsters like creepers and zombies, but can make spotting skeletons difficult.
Birch is also considered one of the best trees for tree farms because of its record height, lack of branches, and rapid growth rate. There aren't many positives in terms of resources and friendly crowds, but there aren't many negatives either.
9 forest
- sheep
- pig
- A chick
- cow
- wolf
- Oak log
- Birch log
- honeycomb
- Rose bush
- purple
- Peony
- Lily of the valley
The forests resemble birch forests, only oak trees grow there. Oak trees produce apples that are edible or for making golden apples, but they can be born with large branches, making them difficult to harvest.
During the day, it also contains hostile crowds that are difficult to get around. However, wolves appear here often, providing players with an effective way to keep skeletons away and attack other mobs. Mushrooms also provide a convenient nutritional source.
8 Dark Forest
- sheep
- pig
- A chick
- cow
- Bosland House
- Dark oak logs
- Birch logs
- Oak blocks
- Mushroom blocks
- Rose bush
- Peony
- purple
- Lily of the valley
Dark forests are forests inhabited by tall dark oak trees with dense foliage. This gives the player a lot of wood, but makes moving on the ground a scary task with lots of shadows of enemy mobs.
Fortunately, this dense foliage allows players to travel and build treetops, which is highly recommended and safe. Large mushrooms are also seen here and are a good food source. It's also the only biome that spawns Jungle Palaces, which contain excellent loot. It is also the only source of Immortality Totems, provided players can kill Necromancers and Destroyers.
7 forest mountains
- sheep
- pig
- A chick
- cow
- Lama
- Oak log
- Fir review
- snow
- Stone
- Emerald Tips
- Coal ore
- Iron ore
- Contaminated stone
The Log Mountains can be dangerous, due to the steep cliffs the player can fall down, but this mountainous biome has some advantages. The underground bases built into the sides of the mountains are some of the safest houses in the game and directly support mining.
Spruce trees, especially the giant varieties, are ideal for tree farms. Here you can find llamas to carry a large number of items. This is also one of the few areas where you can mine emeralds and exchange them for cool items in the cities.
6 savannah
- sheep
- pig
- A chick
- cow
- horse
- donkey
- city
- Aviation station
- Acacia Record
- Oak log
Savannas are open fields with rare acacia trees. These open fields make it easier to spot enemy crowds and they won't be shaded by trees during the day. The great advantage of the savannah is that cows, horses, sheep and llamas breed there.
Villages are easy to find and many players form caravans with llamas to trade with them. The only downside to this biome and the reason it is not ranked higher is that it is difficult to harvest trees due to the variety of branches and high elevation. To build and transport large amounts of materials, this is the best biome to live in in Minecraft .
5The forest __
- sheep
- pig
- A chick
- cow
- parrot
- Panda
- The wild cat
- Pyramid in the forest
- Vineyards
- Jungle Magazine
- cacao
- Oak log
- melon
- Bamboo
Jungle biomes are always fun for survival players because they contain incredibly useful resources that can't be obtained anywhere else in the game . There are huge trees with creepers, watermelons perfect for mechanized farms, ocelots for protection against creeps, parrots for alarm systems, and bamboo as an excellent fuel source for smelting.
Trees and dense foliage can make things dangerous, especially if there are reptiles mingling with that greenery, but with a parrot and a treehouse or cat around the base, it's entirely doable. Jungle pyramids are a great source of loot if players can solve their traps and puzzles.
4 plains
- sheep
- pig
- A chick
- cow
- horse
- donkey
- city
- Aviation station
- Oak log
- honeycomb
- Blue is blue
- Margaret Oxey
- Cornflower
- Tulips
For players who need a large open space to build on , the plains provide a vital area. These massive fields are ideal for large projects and make defending against hostile mobs easier, as players can be assured that they will be enjoying the morning sunshine as there is no shade anywhere.
Players will want to find one of the many horses to traverse the space. Donkeys are great for carrying things. There is usually at least one village nearby and the beehives are ideal for growing honey or sugar. The only downside to these biomes is that players can scavenge trees, but if the player owns a tree farm, this likely won't be an issue.
3 Snow Taiga
- sheep
- pig
- A chick
- cow
- wolf
- Hurry - quickly
- fox
- The igloo
- city
- Aviation station
- snow
- Fern
- Sweet berry forest
- Fir review
The biomes in Snow Taiga may not like it, but they are gold for survival at the start of the game and later on . With all this snow, players can quickly collect it and build a makeshift snow castle. Additionally, in extreme cases, snowballs can act as long-range weapons.
There are many trees that can be harvested, wolves can be tamed for safety, and once the player has a pumpkin farm, they can begin creating snow golems. Naturally occurring random igloos can make a great home with a built-in oven and bed. Managing a wheat farm can be troublesome because water masses often freeze, but torches can solve this problem.
2 giant taiga tree
- sheep
- pig
- A chick
- cow
- wolf
- Hurry - quickly
- fox
- Podzolis
- Coarse clay
- Mossy sidewalk
- Fir review
- Dead tree
- Mushrooms
- Sweet berry forest
The Taiga Giant Tree biome is a great place to start and end well . There are big trees everywhere, making collecting wood easy. There are also many wolves that can be tamed for defensive and offensive purposes, foxes that can be used in case of necessity, and many rabbits for rabbit farms.
One unique feature of the taiga giant tree biome is the large number of podzol blocks . These advanced dirt blocks will allow players to grow mushrooms regardless of the light level. They need a side leg to move, but they can be a good source of food.
1 field of mushrooms
- Foaming cream
- Big mushroom
- Mycelium
- Mushrooms
This is the best biome to live in in Minecraft , as well as the rarest biome to encounter, let alone start with. It is home to unique creatures called mushroom cows, which produce mushroom soup when milked. Here you can find villages, as well as many large mushrooms.
The only downside is the lack of trees, so players will have to search for saplings to create a tree farm. But the biggest advantage is that enemy crowds will not appear here either above or below the ground. In fact, there are unique Russian mobs that clearly affect everyone — the Spawnery crowds. It's a non-toxic resume in Survival Minecraft .
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