Best Minecraft PS4 Seeds

Best Minecraft PS4 Seeds

Minecraft worlds are randomly generated based on a series of "loads" that bind the world with the elements needed to create any Minecraft environment. It's an almost limitless game world driven by algorithms that will blow your mind if you try to think too much about how the programmers made it work. By default, the game uses the current system time as the main input for the world seed and works with it, but fortunately the seeds can be manipulated and copied and pasted into the original Minecraft code, allowing players to share the seed. The world they play in.

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It goes without saying that Minecraft forums, communities, and wikis have some great seeds available for PS4 games. Therefore, we decided to collect them in one place so that you can determine the world in which you create your own Minecraft. A game.

The following selection of seeds is a small sample of the numerous worlds the game can create in Minecraft on PS4. Check out some current seeds or go back and enjoy some discoveries from the past.

Best Minecraft Seeds for PS4

[ Note: To enter a seed code, enter the bolded names listed below in the seed code generator.]

last seed


Personally, I like to see the seeds that spawn shipwrecks. If you like them too, check out this seed. Someone managed to find a shipwreck stuck on top of an iceberg. This can be a pretty interesting start to construction. Call -950 420 to find a ship.

the source


This seed has a unique global generation from birth. Players will be dropped directly onto a huge island that resembles a makeshift tower. There are many interesting concepts that can be developed from this source.

the source


Here's a Sprout that looks like a great option if you need cover from pirates. You will find an open cave that leads directly to the pond. Only risk -78,63,897.

the source


This is such an unusual seed. In this generation of worlds, you can find a forest palace built right above the sea temple. All you have to do is dial 216,64,309.

the source


The survival island seed is quite common. However, it may be worth checking the seeds. Someone managed to find a survival island with a forest palace right in the center and a village nearby.

the source


If you are looking for dungeons with spawners this seed has a pretty decent place. The revelation that makes you choose this seed is that spawners are located next to each other in dungeons. You will find a skeleton, a spider and a zombie. Just go to coordinates 1218.9.6437.

the source


If you like sakura seeds, check this out. This is another amazing spawn location where you are surrounded by cherry blossom fields and mountains. It's caviar that looks perfect.

the source


Some seeds look good. The man stumbled upon the village cherry tree biome. You will find a small village hidden in the snow-capped mountains. It is a small nature reserve, as the village is surrounded by a huge cherry blossom forest. You can visit the whole village 92,214.-2.

the source


In this seed we get a really interesting generation of an almost completely hidden forest palace. You can hardly tell where it is because of the amount of foliage around it. Additionally, it appears that the villa is partially hidden in a cave. To find Woodland Mansion, you need to go to the following coordinates: 141,104,43.

the source


Here's another outfit to check out if you're looking for something visually impressive. This seed will produce a large forest of dark oak trees, but the forest is surrounded by large mountains that cut it off from the rest of the world. All you have to do is go to coordinates 1334,257,4267.

the source


In this starter, players have to explore a giant hole or build a crazy base. The meteor that was supposed to hit this planet must have been huge. Go to the coordinates below to see the holes. 90.63, -147.

the source


This is an interesting generation of seeds. What has drawn so much attention to this seed is that the two villages grow next to each other, but in two different biomes. Along with Plain Village you have Acacia Village. You can find them at -78.156.

the source


Are you just looking for an unusual seed generation? This kernel was invented for Java and Bedrock, so it should work fine on console platforms. If you go to coordinates 19412,-308 and look at the view above, you'll notice that fans say "Minecraft Eye". It's an interesting lake and biome perfect for building your own shelter.

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the source


A magnificent mountain with huge caves. There are many slopes and forests around the huge mountain. In front of the hill you will also find an outpost with lots of loot inside. There are waterfalls all around that flow into the river.

the source


These seeds are really beautiful. Here you can find a really huge body of open water. In the depths you will find a cave structure and a lava pit. It looks like the perfect fantasy setting, and the best part is that you can get this starter version in both Java and Bedrock. Just go to coordinates -425, -770 to see the pool for yourself.

the source


Sometimes it's better to start a game world with perfect spawn points. If you're going for aesthetics, it's best not to. In this suite you find yourself in a huge clearing surrounded by mountains. Luckily, you're not alone, because there's also a rural village in the meadow.

the source


This seed has a large forest surrounded by a swamp biome. The founder of this seed even came across an abandoned village nearby. Just take advantage at 1700.2372.

the source


In this seed you appear near a triple village with a blacksmith. Here is your perfect start to a new world. There is a taiga village and a remote forest villa on a nearby island.

the source


Low mountains but a beautiful rounded valley rich in vegetation. It would work well as both a survival seed and an adventure seed.

the source


A beautiful ring of water surrounded by high mountains. It seems like a lake under the mountain. Snow, ice and lava flows come down from the mountains. You can build many bridges between mountains to make it more interesting.

the source


A very common crop, suitable for survival. This seed will take you to a small island, perfect for creating a unique playstyle. Try to use all the island's resources to survive and explore further. You will also find some trees and lots of sand on the island.

the source


If you're looking for a Minecraft seed that has a lot to explore, check it out. There are different biomes, different villages, sunken ships, temples, portals and caves.

the source


This seed is full of barren caves worth exploring. There is also a village next to the spawn, a floating village a little further and a huge ocean with a monument.

the source


Full of cool stuff just a few blocks from the spawn point, this spawn offers great views of the Badlands Mountains, a quarry, and the entrance to Savannah Village with caves leading to an ancient underground city.

the source


Inside this seed is a huge cave with an ancient city. There is a beautiful waterfall inside and it is very spacious. Coordinates -950, 0, -660.

the source


The location of this seed is a bit odd. The village has a lava pool on which a single house stands. Also, a pond with overhanging vegetation and a tree at the bottom appears in the surrounding forest.

the source


Get the best of summer and winter with these seeds. The outpost is located atop a tower on a sunny beach. A snowy wonderland directly parallel to the beach.

the source


These seeds are truly incredible! You'll find yourself in a swamp integrated with at least four shipwrecks, a jungle temple in the mountains, a beautiful sandy beach to build on, and a magical hut.

the source


This seed will take you to a remote island in the middle of the ocean. Resources are limited, but there is a monument on this island that you can explore for valuable items.

the source


When you craft this seed, you'll find a small town near the blacksmith. But the biggest advantage of this combination is the group of eight gems you can collect at coordinates 114,12,-463.

the source


If you're up for an adventure, this seed will lead you to the cave entrance. This leads to the castle at 149,70,1499, where there are two libraries with six enchanted books and five Eyes of Ender watching you.

the source


If you like giant mushrooms, you should check out this seed. You'll spawn in a large mushroom biome near a dark oak forest and swim to a small mushroom island nearby.

the source


Titanic fans, this costume is made for you. It features a sunken ship trapped by an iceberg in a frozen biome. Travel to -136, 104 to explore this ruin and discover its treasure.

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the source


This seed is every builder's dream. This will put you in a taiga biome surrounded by all kinds of forests. You can find six forest biomes within a 300 block radius of your spawn point.

the source


If you are not afraid of heights, this combination will take you to the top of a huge rock jutting out of the sea. Although this seed isn't the largest to explore, it still has a forest with 1 tree, several donkeys, and a sunken ship. Ideal for building a fort by the sea.

the source


This seed is the most dangerous and profitable seed on this list. This will bring you to the roof of the Woodland Mansion, one of the few places where the Totem of Immortality can be found. However, be careful because this huge framework is full of problems and excuses.

the source


With this starter code you'll find a variety of registers available within a hundred blocks of each other.

the source


With this seed you can easily stumble upon almost intact sunken ships. To make things more interesting, the entire ship ended up on shore. Just go to coordinates -3912,64,3744 to see the ship for yourself.

the source


Generations of Minecraft worlds have been fascinated by caves. If you're looking for a new cave-themed map, check out this seed. You'll find a huge cave to explore with the entrance at 1976,193,4212.

the source


This seed puts you in a great spawn spot. Here you will find yourself on a frozen island. Here you have to climb the ice peak and find other nearby islands to go to.

the source


We've seen a generation of truly incredible ships. In this seed, you'll find that near the spawn point you'll encounter a ship high in the sky. Go to coordinates -871,62,-938.

the source


With this seed you will get a generation of a world where there will be a taiga village next to the palace and the portal. This is a great combination to explore. Just go to coordinates -50916,91,19681.

the source


For survival island fans, we can try the dress. This seed will take you to a large island. To survive, you need to find resources and grow certain products. However, if you look from the island, you will see a ship floating in the distance, waiting to be explored if you can reach it.

the source


Here's the moment when the player discovers a village partially hidden in a cave. It's a really cool generated world worth exploring because there's a castle near the village.

-844 90 670

the source


This seed quickly gained attention online when a player made an unusual discovery. If you go to the underground coordinates below, you will see that there is an underground desert. Fans now hope that one day it will become a full-fledged biome.

Underground desert


the source


If you're looking for rare biomes, we have the seeds for you. This seed will give you the elusive windswept savanna biome. The biome consists of a rocky mountain with dirt, rocks, and acacia trees. You won't see this biome very often, but if you go to the following coordinates, you can create this rare biome yourself.


the source


Do you want affordable diamond seeds? To find fourteen diamonds in the vein, interrogate the coordinates of these seeds. It can produce the maximum amount of diamond at any time a vein, so it is a high score. This is a great look and fortunately posted online so that others can benefit from it.


78, -51, -202

the source


With this seed code, the players will grow near the towers of three different forests and two thieves. This may require your base to be made quickly and carefully, especially if you decide to connect these palaces. It is a rare type of seed posted on Reddit. Since everything is in the spanning phase, you don't have to worry about the specific coordinates, so just log in and start playing.

the source


If you are looking for a seed with great condition, check it out. In this combination, the players will be given a large valley with three mountains, with each snow-covered peak. This is a great setup to start making it, but you have to go to the following coordinates.

1477,115, -1217

the source


There are several unique designs of the world. This special seed is a fantastic attractive place to increase a crowd, as it is advisable by reddit users online. With this seed you will find a dungeon located on a large goud.


the source


If you are looking for a suit that would be nice to see, try it out. It was the ideal place for control and navigation. But you are not on this field. Instead, you need to go to the contact details below.

Read 52 best adventure games with incredible world

330 120.-50

the source


This is a scandalous seed. This seed brings something more unusual, whether it is a ship made in a biome or in this case, a temple floating in the jungle. This temple is supported by a hill on the top of the block. It is virtually in the air and there is a rather unusual format for such temples. To find out where it is located, we will provide you with contact information below.

Floating temple


the source


Caves have become the main target after the update 1.18 is released. There is a cave in this seed that you should explore. If you follow the coordinates below, you will see an open cave in a large jungle biome. There are several holes, natural lights and several waterfalls.


the source


Version 1.18 brings new content and is likely that you are already immersed in the game. However, if you need a good starter code to run the update, see it once. The Sid players take the players directly to the village where you can start collecting this valuable resource. It is not worth mentioning that there is a village on the fort of Semenia.




the source


There is an interesting seed here. This seed has a long village located on the land above the lake. Rather, it is an endless land line with a building and a farm located between it. There is also a castle in the depths of the sea. To make the situation more aesthetically pleasant, the village is surrounded by high hills. We will indicate the coordinates where you can find this place on the map.


the source


For those who focus on the biome and terrain, this seed has rare biome before grown. When you come to the surface, you will easily see a biome filled with ice and snow, which of course is a good place to explore. However, next to this biome is a rare bamboo biome. Since this seed is very close to sponing, it is worth exploring alone or with friends.

the source


Here is another interesting problem. This seed provides an endless lava lane. It creates an interesting build configuration. Of course, if you make a user map, you need to be careful because it is very easy to miss a jump and go straight to the cover. You must be very careful when conducting around the gorge.

the spring


If you want to create a more waterfall world there is an embryo here. This layer creates a mass of islands scattered here and there. From now on, everything will depend on the existing flaws on different islands. This is also a survival project because you need to deal with limited terrain and rare resources.

the spring


Another solid seed has been discovered, which is filled with different qualities throughout the map. It is one of the most advanced wetsuits available currently available.




Zombie generator


the spring


There is clothing here to check if you are interested in the post. It is a common seed with biome at the center. In fact, during your presence directly, you are surrounded by several biomes, which means that there is a good alternative to wealth that you can easily get away without traveling too far.

the spring


A wonderful seed is needed, lust, village and even spying are full of excellent initial points, so check it out here.


An abandoned village

Blank portal


the spring


This specific seed has a global speed record that lets players win the game within minutes. Through the regional portal area, you can get a bucket of water, which means immediate access to the bottom.

An abandoned village


Last portal

the spring


Those of you who are looking for the seeds of Survival Island may want to see it. This is a fairly standard island, but if you want to cross the sea, you can visit many places around Sid, as well as a village.

the ocean

  • 233.62, -125
  • 249.62.215
  • 282,61,250


  • 209,40,125
  • -156.67, -168
  • -215,37,104

the village

the spring


This seed is quite attractive. In the beginning, the location of the villa is excellent, since it is completely surrounded, just in the middle of the forest. After that, there is a dungeon directly under the destruction portal and also, the villages divided by the sea are located opposite.


Destroy and destroys the portal

the village

the spring


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