Buy Techno Electric & Engineering Company, Target Price Rs 420: JM Financial

Buy Techno Electric & Engineering Company, Target Price Rs 420: JM Financial
JM Financial bought Techno Electric & Engineering Company with a target price of Rs.420. The current market value of Techno Electric & Engineering Company is Rs.355.15.

Techno Electric & Engineering Company, founded in 2005, is a Mid Cap company operating in the Engineering sector (with a market cap of 3,838.10 million euros).

Techno Electric & Engineering Company's core products/revenues are EPC, contracts and other revenue, electricity and other operating revenue as on March 31, 2022.

In the quarter ended 12/31/2022, the company reported a consolidated profit of 205.21 million, down -16.93 percent from 247.04 million in the same quarter last year. -51.55%. 423.58 million. The company reported a net profit after tax of Rs 31.41 crore in the last quarter

The senior management of the company Mr. PP Gupta, Mr. Ankit Saria, Mr. Avantika Gupta, Mr. Deepali Khanna, Mr. SN Roy, Mr. KK Rai, Mr. KM Poddar, Mr. K Vasudevan. The auditors of the company are Singhi & Co. As of 12/31/2022, the company has a total of 11 million shares outstanding.

Investment justification
The brokerage maintains a BUY as a stable order book position provides revenue visibility over the next 24-30 months, low return on equity dominates wind volume, with around 80% of wind assets sold and more than a solid cash balance. 15 billion INR (including sale of assets). Ensure healthy payments for the next 3 years.
Promoter/FII Holdings
As on December 31, 2022, promoters held 61.16 percent of the company's shares, FIIs 1.69 percent and DIIs 25.95 percent.

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