Krautrock: The 1970s Bands Which Helped Postwar Germany Overcome Its Dark History
The Krautrock band lived up to this ethos. In the early 1970s, Kane lived and documented in a 15th-century castle outside Cologne; At the same time, Faust lived in the community of Umm near Hamburg. Therefore, Krautrock groups are more political than overt in their actions; On the one hand, they present an idealistic vision of a new alternative lifestyle, while the disregard for tradition in their music suggests protest and disruption of action.
Cain's socialist philosophy shows how society should be built. “We never make a political statement,” said Schmidt. “Except us first. We are an organism. There is no hierarchy with us. And it's a kind of anarchy. But for us, no one has an author (from music) except Kahn.”
In Düsseldorf, Rother and Nyunya were the last. Along with Florian Schneider, co-drummer Klaus Dinger was the first three-piece incarnation of Kraftwerk, which he briefly left to study Ralf Hutter. Although this version of Kraftwerk never released a record, Rother and Dinger created the proto-new one. The voice, recorded in a 1971 television appearance. “I saw people go crazy,” Rother said. "They were excited. Plus, the audience was young. For the audience, it was the start of something new. It was obvious."
Rother and Dinger soon left Kraftwerk to join Neu. Set The up-and-coming Kraftwerk released three previously unreleased albums before a series of classics, starting with 1974's "Autobahn"; They would transcend the Krautrock genre to become a leading electronic band and one of the biggest and most influential bands of all time.
The band that defined their era
But at first it was new! This opens up new avenues. In Dinger, Rother has found a soul mate (although they don't always agree). “Without discussion or agreement, we agreed that we wanted a unique, very simple approach. And it took away our traditions and laid the foundation for this path of reinvention. I decided to cancel it. All the clichés, standards... I've thrown them away and am trying to return to the simplest elements of music: notes, chords, chords, rhythm.
In his 1995 book Krautrocksampler, musician and artist Julian Cope noted Neu! “They are the epitome of Krautrock and define the term more than any other band.” Their debut Neu! Released in 1972, the album remains, along with Neu, a groundbreaking rock release. s - namely the term Krautrock, which defines: pioneer of motor beats. Literally meaning “engine capability,” the engine is a driving, constant, steady 4-4 beat, best expressed on early new tracks like HelloGallo and Negativeland. . Backed by visionary producer Connie Plank, Krautrock's answer to Sam Phillips, the film was inspired in part by Rother's love of perpetual motion.
“I love driving on the road. “No rush, that’s the wrong image, but I love the rush, whether it’s on a surfboard on big waves or just a strong feeling of forward motion,” he said. Surprisingly, it was also partly inspired by his love of football, as the success of the West German football team was an aspect of German culture untouched by the brutality of war. "Related. Because I still like the fast forward style of football where you just run and attack with superior technical skills but try to gain space by playing the ball towards the goal.