YouTube Success: How Creators Earn Money And Reach Milestones In 2023?
Reaching 1 million YouTube subscribers is a major milestone for content creators and often allows them to monetize the platform full-time. YouTube creators have many ways to make money, and most of their income comes from ads displayed on their videos. The amount earned from YouTube ads can vary greatly depending on factors such as the creator's location, brand, and audience size.
Notably, financial YouTuber Nate O'Brien, who has more than 1.3 million subscribers, revealed that he earns $440,000 a year from the platform, which ranges from $14,600 a month to $54,600 a month. Another YouTuber, lifestyle content creator Tiffany Ma, shares that she earns up to $11,500 per month from ads on her videos.

To qualify for the YouTube AdSense program, program creators must have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time in the past year. Advertisers pay YouTube a set price for every 1,000 ad views, with YouTube keeping 45% of the revenue and content creators keeping the rest.
CPM rates (advertiser's salary per 1000 ad impressions) and RPM rates (creator's earnings per 1000 video views after being cut on YouTube) are the main indicators for making money on YouTube. Content that attracts high-paying advertisers, such as personal finance and business topics, can increase advertising fees for content creators. Other content creators, such as lifestyle content creator Tiffany Ma, have learned to optimize their audience by strategically placing three or four ads per video to increase their revenue.
For many creators, the money they earn directly from YouTube is an important and sustainable source of income.