Electronic Music

Electronic Music

Not long after people started hitting the rocks, one of the tribes thought that if they could do things a little more systematically, it would improve things a bit. Thus the first musician was born, and since it would be millions of years before humans knew how to record sound, musical performances had to be performed live for most of history. On a cosmic scale, Spotify only appears for a septosecond at midnight.

So the only thing is that [Linus Åkesson] has updated the soundtrack so it can now be played live. We get the irony of the video after the break, but we still think it makes more sense than performing a series of carefully written albums next to a musical number. It can generate sounds by performing a single disc in real time.

In his article, [Linus] covers not only the general process of making music with floppy disks, but specifically how this Commodore 1541-II was updated for its new life as a digital virtuoso. Experimenting with which disc movements correspond to the most interesting sounds, Hi-Fi has been busy adding a small microphone and piezo pickup in combination with an LMC662-based amplifier to enable pickup of disc noise and vibration. Here you will find useful information for anyone who wants to make beautiful music with their old instruments.

That year saw a revival of the floppy disk: companies like Adafruit returned to the traditional storage medium, and the Arduino IDE started an experimental project to create a bootable x86 floppy disk. You won't hear any complaints from us - while it offers more functionality than modern technology, it has colorful discs with quickly applied labels that warm our cold robotic hearts.

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TECHNOBLEND 2023 | Deborah De Luca | Charlotte de Witt | Interval 92 - (morphine mixture)