When Leading Figures In AI Talk About "extinction," They're Not Really Concerned With The Fate Of Actual Humans

When Leading Figures In AI Talk About

Robot holding a human skull Getty Images/xia yuan © Courtesy of the Human Skull Robot Salon Getty Images/xia yuan

On May 30, a research organization called the "AI Security Center" released a 22-word statement signed by several prominent "AI scientists" including Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI; Demis Hassabis, CEO of Google DeepMind; and Geoffrey Hinton, considered the "godfather" of AI. He says:

Reducing the risk of extinction caused by AI should be a global priority, along with other social risks such as pandemics and nuclear war.

This statement made headlines around the world, with many media reports suggesting that experts now believe "AI could lead to human extinction", citing a CNN article.

What to do with it? A comprehensive look at the problem, showing, for example, that such statements mitigate the very serious damage that AI companies have already done, would require more time and space than I have here. In the meantime, it's worth taking a closer look at what the word "extinction" means, precisely because the kind of extinction that some high-profile signatories say we must avoid at all costs is not what most people think of when they hear . Word

Understanding this is a two-step process. First, we need to understand what is behind this statement. The short answer refers to the group of ideologies that dr. Timnit Gebru and I named the package TESCREAL. Admittedly, the term is awkward, but the concept couldn't be more important given that this series of overlapping movements and ideologies has gained immense influence among the tech elite. And because society is deeply shaped by the unilateral decisions of these unelected oligarchs, this package has a huge impact on the whole world.

The acronym stands for "transhumanism, extropianism, singularity, cosmism, rationalism, effective altruism and longevity." It's a stretch, but the essence of TESKREALism, or the worldview that stems from this pack, is pretty simple: it's based on a techno-utopian vision of a future in which we'll reshape humanity, colonize and plunder space, and create a cosmic intergalactic civilization filled with trillions and millions of "happy " people, almost all of whom "live" in giant computer simulations. In doing so, all our problems will be solved, and eternal life will become a real possibility.

This is not an exaggeration. This is what Sam Altman means when he writes that with the help of artificial general intelligence (AI), we can "colonize space." New realities We are just a few steps away from abundance on a scale that is hard to imagine. This is what Elon Musk implicitly claimed when he retweeted an article by Nick Bostrom that argued that we have a moral obligation to expand into space as quickly as possible and build "planet-sized" computers that run virtual reality worlds in which 10 38 digital humans could have existed for a century. (It's a 1 followed by 38 zeros.) According to the tweet, this is "probably the most important article ever written." When Twitter founder Jack Dorsey proposed with Musk that we have a "duty" to "expand" and "keep awareness vibrant to ensure it continues into the future," he was referring to a core principle of Twitter. .

I don't think everyone who signed the AI ​​Security Center short statement is a TESCREAL supporter, i.e. someone who represents more than one of the "TESCREAL" ideologies, but many prominent signers and at least 90% of the AI ​​funding for the Center security belongs to the same TESCREAT community. Additionally, fears that AGI could lead to our extinction were originally developed and propagated by TESCREAL proponents like Bostrom, whose 2014 bestseller Superintelligence showed why a superintelligent AGI could attack its creators and kill all life on Earth.

Here is problem 22: if the AI ​​does not destroy humanity, TESCREAL believes that this will lead to the techno-utopian world described above. In other words, we probably need to build an AGI to create a utopia, but if we quickly build an AGI without the proper precautions, things could explode right under our noses. That's why they worry: there is only one way, and the road to paradise is littered with mines.

Here's Catch 22: TESCREAL believes that we probably need to build AGI to create a utopia, but if we rush to build AGI without proper precautions, it could all explode right under our noses.

With these premises in mind, we can move on to the second question: when TESCREAL supporters talk about the importance of preventing human extinction, they don't mean what one might think. This is because there are different ways of defining "human extinction". For most of us, "human extinction" means that our species, Homo sapiens, will disappear completely and forever, which many of us consider a bad outcome that should be avoided. But in the TESCREAL worldview, this means something completely different. Although, as I will explain in the next book, there are at least six different types of extinction that humanity may face, only three of them are relevant to our goals:

Ultimate Extinction : This is what I was talking about above. This would happen if our species became extinct forever. Homo sapiens no longer exists; We are disappearing like the dinosaurs and dodos before us, and always will be.

Final extinction : This would happen if there was a final extinction - our species ceased to exist again - and we had no successors to take our place. The importance of this additional condition will soon become clear.

Normative extinction : This would happen if we had successors , but those successors would not have traits or abilities that are considered very important, something that is expected of our successors, which is why it is called "normative".

The only forms of extinction that really matter to the ideology of TESCREA are the second and third, final and normative. After all, they don't care about possible extinction, whether our species continues or not. Conversely, there will be some scenarios in the TESCREAL worldview in which Homo Sapiens as Good Guys will disappear completely and forever, as this will mean that we have advanced to the next stage of our evolution, necessary for the full implementation of the technobank. . - Utopian paradise. you represent.

There's a lot to decipher here, so let's be a little more specific. Imagine a scenario where we use genetic engineering to change our genes. In just one or two generations, a new generation of genetically engineered "post-humans" will appear. These posthumans can also integrate various technologies into their bodies, perhaps by connecting their brains to the Internet via "brain-computer interfaces" that Musk's company, Neuralink, is trying to develop. They can also become immortal through "life extension" technologies, meaning they can still die from accidents or acts of violence, but not from old age, as they are timeless. Once these post-human beings come into play, the remaining members of Homo sapiens eventually die out.

It will be final extinction, but not final extinction, because Homo sapiens will leave behind a successor: this newly created post-human species. According to TESCREAlists, will this be a bad thing? No. In fact, this would be highly desirable, since posthumanity is allegedly "better" than humanity. Not only is this a future that avid TESCREAL fans can't resist, but something that many of them want to get closer to. The goal of transhumanism, at the heart of the TESCREAL package, is to "transcend" humanity.

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As TESCREAL member Toby Ord writes in his 2020 book The Rock, “If we leave humanity as it is forever, we may squander our heritage by giving up much of our potential in something.”

In a similar vein, Nick Bostrom argues that "permanent deprivation of the opportunity for ... transformative changes in the very biological nature of man can represent an existential catastrophe." for that would mean that we would not be able to realize much of our great cosmic "potential" in the universe.

Of course, the transformation into a new post-human species does not necessarily mean the extinction of Homo sapiens. Perhaps this new species will co-exist with what some TESCREAL proponents would say, "ancient humans." They could lock us up like sheep, or let us live in their homes, as our companion dogs live with us today. The point, however, is that if Homo sapiens follows the path of dinosaurs and dodos, it will not be a big loss from the point of view of TESCREAList. The final extinction is normal as long as we have these successors.

Or imagine a similar scenario: computer scientists create a population of sentient machines, after which the population of Homo sapiens declines until there is none left. In other words, instead of evolving into a new post-human species, we create a special set of replacement machines. Will it be bad for TESCREAlist?

Prominent "transhumanists" argue that failure to create a new post-human species would be a great moral tragedy, as it would mean we would not be able to realize much of our vast cosmic "potential" in the universe.

In his book Children of the Mind, roboticist Hans Moravec argued that biological humans would eventually be replaced by "a post-biological world dominated by self-improving thinking machines" in which "humanity will be wiped off the face of the earth by a wave." cultural change usurped by his own artificial offspring. Moravec finds this unbelievable and describes himself as someone who "joyfully came to the conclusion that humanity is in the last century and continues to offer ways to help in this process." and indeed, the view he espouses can be understood as a proto-TESCREAL worldview.

A more recent example comes from the philosopher Derek Schiller, who works for The Humane League, an organization dedicated to effective altruism. In a 2017 article, Schiller argues: "If it is in our power to offer future generations a much better world at a relatively low cost to ourselves, we have good moral reasons for doing so." creating a better place might be to replace our species with something better.” ".

In the same vein, TESCREAL specialist Larry Page, co-founder of Google and owner of DeepMind, one of the companies seeking to develop AGI, argues passionately that “digital life is a natural and desirable next step in cosmic evolution, and what if you are.” Let the digital minds be free and don't try to hold them or enslave them, the result will almost certainly be good. According to Page, "If life ever spreads in our galaxy and beyond, as it ... must be, so it will be." military coup, which goes against Google's "don't be evil" slogan. (Note that the phrase "don't get angry" was "removed from the top of Google's code of conduct" in 2018.)

Some call this place a "digital utopia". Whatever the wording, Page's statement that we must become digital beings or create digital successors in order to spread across the galaxy is correct. While colonization of our planetary neighbor Mars is possible as biological beings, the creation of an interstellar or intergalactic civilization would almost certainly require our descendants to be digital in nature. Space is too hostile for soft biological creatures like us to survive for any length of time, and the journey from Earth to the nearest Andromeda galaxy would take about 10 billion years at current travel speeds. . Digital beings will not only be able to withstand the dangerous conditions of intergalactic space, but will also be practically immortal, which will make such a journey possible.

This is important because, as mentioned earlier, at the heart of TESKREalism is the imperative to expand across the available universe, plunder our "cosmic resources" and create trillions and millions of "happier" future humans. Realizing the utopian dream of the TESCREAL package requires the creation of digital posthumans; We need you to make this dream come true. Maybe these postmen keep us in stables or as pets, maybe they don't. And if not, TESCREAlists would say so much the better.

This brings us to another key point directly related to the alleged AGI threat. For fans of TESCREAL, it's not only the presence of sequels like digital posthumans that matters, but also how those sequels will look. For example, imagine that we replace ourselves with a population of sentient machines that are by nature unconscious. Many proponents of TESCREA argue that "value" cannot exist without consciousness. If there were no sentient beings capable of appreciating art, worshiping the universe, or experiencing things like happiness, then the world would have no value.

Imagine two worlds: The first is our world. The second is similar in every way to our world , except for one thing : "people" go about their daily business, conduct scientific experiments, compose music, write poetry, hang out in a bar, support their sports teams, their favorites, etc. . There are no conscious experiences. They behave exactly like we do, but there is no "perceived quality" in their inner workings. They have no conscience, and in this sense they are no different from stones. We assume that stones lying on the side of the road or falling from the mountain have nothing to do with it. The same applies to these "people", even if they are doing the same things as us. They are functionally equivalent to zombies , the so-called "philosophical zombie".

This is the only difference between the two worlds, and most TESCREA supporters argue that the second world is completely useless. Thus, if Homo sapiens were to replace themselves with a race of sentient machines, but these machines were unable to develop consciousness, the result would be no better than if we were subjected to final extinction and Homo sapiens were completely wiped out as a result. died out. leaving no heirs. absolutely.

This idea underlies the third type of extinction, "normative extinction", which will occur when humans have descendants but those descendants lack something they should have, such as consciousness. Other TESCREAL proponents will point to additional qualities that our successors should have, such as a sort of "moral status". In fact, many TESCREAL proponents define "humanity" literally as "Homo sapiens and any of its descendants, as long as they are conscious, have some moral status, etc."

So when TESCREAL advocates talk about "human extinction" they are not really referring to Homo sapiens but to a broader category of living beings. First of all, this means that Homo sapiens can disappear completely and forever , without the extinction of people (according to this definition). As long as we have followers, and those followers have the right qualities or skills, no tragedy will happen. All Slovaks - that's why TSCREAlists - this is not accepted by TSCREAlists. These are the only types of Extinction Which If were made by us and made by Rofu Electrocadastre.

When the TESCREAL historian is dealing with "A Visit to the Heart," one such title in a video of Homo sapiens, a recently filmed big cat, he may be dealing with digital or fast-moving cars. In this case, Homo sapiens can be viewed and discovered as "extinctions of mankind".

Here's what happened to the oasis of the current debate: First, T ESCREAL asked everyone what I was asked to say about the "Nesoot" films and what they are. It may happen that the person who knows them does not know what they need. . First, I could make the most of it at that moment. In the beginning, it didn't seem like I was "hating" because "you're getting rid of atoms that can be used for more than two years", which is a problem. In other words, what appear on our site are our multilingual resources: the first billion, billion, billion atoms.

It is important that this is a "small" choice, but not a fair choice. Why? Homo Sapiens are no longer supported and condemned in advance - OK! Preliminary is everything that is done or done after the exam and the subsequent transfer to the OBI budget is done so that it can be done after that, like my others. At the moment I can't make a good decision. Точно так же Homo sapiens означает «имменно потом », что означает « избежали окончательного вымирания», потому что нас убил наш преемник – технологический случай от цеу бий ства.

Ну посмотрю сначала эту группу, порадуюсь глаз не красивый, хром на коже, это бюджетный норматив вымирания. Это не очень хороший бизнес, но он должен стать большим успехом для TESCREAL. Это не утопия, где триллионы и миллионы сознательных постлюдей с таким моральным статусом , что вы нас, загромождаете каждый уголок доступной вселенной. В этом весьма нормативная точка зрения: он видел вопрос астрофизика, который вовсе не был вид вымер, неопубликованного Себы Никаких Потомков. На том же языке милая "гладкая" ОЗИ родилась в том, что родился хомо сапиенс, и моя любовь родилась с ку, но этой преемнику не хватает чего-то необходимого денна того, чтобы осталась Космическая История: "Ценность".

Это хорошая вещь. Простой момент, чтобы хомо сапиенс не участвовал в роли как таковой, как например показывает TESCREALism, это то же самое. Марк, автор Tescreal, которому не более 30 лет, чтобы достичь более позднего «Этапа» «Evolujucia», недавно разработал биологическую технологию растения и почки цифрового растения, которое в смысле познания относительно Новым является «долгосрочный потенциал» в космосе. Как выбрать Бостром

Трансгуманист разоблачает Чехословакию как неутомимого рабочего человека, который обратился ко мне, чтобы передумать. Несомненно, не имеет ничего общего с оттенком сладости. Трансгуманисты надеются, это очевидное использование наркотиков, технологий и рациональной борьбы с наркотиками, я имею в виду в основном уже очень много постов, связанных со временем многих людей, являющихся новинкой элиты людей.

Трансгуманизм, опиат-зе, является основой пакета TESCREAL, и я предлагаю, что практического против сторонники TESCREAL читается, что неизбежный следующий шаг в нашей истории – цифровой и фровым, что, ве По-видимому, Homo sapiens будет обнаружен в ходе процесса. Есть много вещей, которые мне нравятся, и благодаря этому Netsya преуспевает. После выступления президента это станет отправной точкой для просмотра фильма в следующие дни: профессиональное выступление TESCREAL на компьютере. Старик, Например, около 25 лет, с 2018 года в поисках Нектома. Как сообщается в MIT Technology Review, газета Altman утверждает, что «эта цель стоит перед разведывательным сообществом».

Еще вопрос был адресован Тому, который создал новые поисковые программы до клика по номеру телефона, а встроенная интеллектуальная система связи, вроде GPT-4, может и не нуждаться в боты двигателей научно-технического «прогресса». От моего имени "Химия мы обязаны" следователь TESCREAL Уильям Макаскил утверждает, что дл я противодействия глобальному у со кращению населения "мои жены бы раз." Я работаю в нелегальной интернет сети (Исландия), но я не могу дождаться убийства ребенок, если это новое предприятие. По этой причине был создан набор «языков», которые подходят как для игры, так и для игры, например. В случае, если игра OpenAI создавалась с системой "ОИИ-Система", необходимо отобразить иконку в виде значка грусти.

Увидев ваше имя, Макаскилл предполагает, что наши исследования в последнее время пришли к выводу , который представляет собой лучшую бионаучную логику и, по большому счету, не является ни одним homo sapiens в истинном смысле и, в предполаемом «утопическом» будущемем. или TESCREAlists. Вот что говорит Макаскил:

Первая примета заключается в том, что это тип бюстгальтера, который у большинства людей ничего не делает, кроме старого лица. Это не мой шанс, они должны быть двумя лучшими, это мило, это правильно .

Что у вас осталось? Платежный инструмент является опубликованным. оритетом». Секрета нет, так что секрет разумные порывы, тактика безопасности, исходит из мировоззрения TESCREA (хотя и не все подписавшие его лица сторонни являются оритетом TESCREA). Homo sapiens Сэма – педиатрический и уникальный. homo sapiens или интернет Собственно, отсюда и новинка, которая должна быть чем-то другим - последнее , но не менее важное: я ищу свою награду с новыми коробками или аккордами.

Уильям Макаскил предполагает, что его задача создания мира на всю жизнь способна убрать человека из его жизни. Вот так и родился homo sapiens от другого человека, мой биологический биолог в мире, а не homo sapiens в этом состоянии. сти, в «утопическом» будущем.

Это зенит хомо сапиенс , человеческий видио в этом видео, где он отправляется на поиски нового поколения, начавшегося с ТЕСКРЕАЛистов или "заговоров". . Пожалуйста, будьте осторожны, чтобы устройство не работало должным образом. То, что дом TESCREAL, то есть можно пойти в «смешенное» место, действительно не стоит трагедии, что homo sapiens ьше не существует. Кстати, именно поэтому я впервые не узнал, когда был реализован бюджет "Огромного и Славного" - столько процитирую Тоби Орда - через колонизацию космоса, разграбление вселенн ой и максимизию "ценности". Только те , кто хочет дождаться первого сезона, не должны ждать сезона. Я понял, что потратил много времени на узнавание «и запахов».

Я был просто местным отелем. Это ни в коем случае не означает, что тескреалисты сделали homo sapiens «счастливым» около недели назад. Формулировка «леденец» явно нормативна: это наказание требуется от конкретного центнера, человека, который вот-вот должен родить. Так что ему пришлось «обедать» «утопией» той же страны, воспринятой антиутопическим кошмаром с другим очень хорошо.

Так он пробился к философу Симхурлему Шефлеру в «Томе», который «моя, игривая, подарила ему странную, глупую и неповторимую картину». Homo sapiens был убит убийцей. Большую часть времени, когда Название рождалось, у него было не очень хорошо, потому что он был Буквально, он хотел сказать: удрый человек», что мы, конечно, не доказали.

Нет, вы выкладываете свои книги и книги. Конечно, вы должны отправиться в путь, который вам нужен. Разработка технологических средств для неограниченного продления постчеловеческой передачи жизни, Возможно, что взлома Протоколов можно было бы безжалостно пытать в течение буквально миллионов лет. Кто знает, какие невыносимые ужасы преследовать постчеловеческий мир?

Поэтому всякий раз, когда вы слышите, как люди говорят о «вымирании человечества», особенно те, кто связан с мировоззрением TESCREAList, вы должны немедленно спросить: какие ценности скрыты за раскрытием о том, что предотвра щение «вымирания человечества» должно быть глобальным приоритетом? Что те, кто делает такие заявления, имеют в виду под «человеком»? Являются ли сценарии "вымирания" их на самом деле беспокоят: терминальное, окончательное или нормативное вымирание? Только ответив на эти вопросы, вы понимаете, о чем на самом деле идет речь.

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