Minecraft: How To Find, Tame And Use Allays

Minecraft: How To Find, Tame And Use Allays

After a massive Minecraft 2021 vote, it was decided that the final addition to the game would be Allay. Allays look like little fairies and are not based on real animals. They fly through the air and the summoners look a lot like the enemy of the people summoned from the forest palaces.

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The cheerleaders aren't just for looks, they look cool and remind us of Navi from the Legend of Zelda . In fact, they have many uses that can greatly help players in their Minecraft adventure. Here's what you need to know about streets, and how to find them, tame them and use them.

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Updated June 2, 2023 by Stephen LaJoya: Minecraft's locked sandbox epic continues to grow, thanks in part to a steady stream of updates. Even seemingly minor additions like Fairy Alleys have made an impact in terms of fan interest and gameplay experience.

Players are learning more and more that there is more to these little guys than meets the eye. And since the latest 1.19.1 update added another great feature including Allays, it seemed about time to revisit and add to this helpful guide.

Summary of reliefs

Alleys are special because they are a small group of lazy fliers. Where they really stand out, aside from their awesome looks, is their ability to transfer and move items around to the players they give them. They also have a penchant for sheet music and musical blocks, which will be detailed later.

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In a sense, Allays is a sort of floating helper when it comes to items. The light blue neon texture makes it stand out in the dark, although not enough to illuminate the surroundings.

Where to find Alley

The Allai are a mob frequently imprisoned by the Illagers. Therefore, to find and save them, the players will have to go to a thief's outpost or a castle in the forest .

In Thieves Outpost, find a chest outside the main tower. There can be many allies here to interact with. At any given time, there can be one or three in each cell, and they are multiplied by 50%.

If players find themselves in a forest palace, which is extremely difficult to find, they must search the prison room for stone-paved cells , which often dot the interior of the palace. Given how rare forest palaces are, players are best looking to head to the nearest Rogue Outpost in Allays.

At any given time, there can be one or three in each cell, and they are multiplied by 50%.

How to tame painkillers

Allai can't technically be tamed like cats or dogs, but there are ways to always make Allai come back and follow the relevant player.

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  • After players find Allai, they must grab the desired item and give it to Allai by interacting with her.
    • Allai will look around, pick up the same item and give it to the player.
    • These items must be discarded, which is great for large farms that rely on moving discarded items.
    • Players can also ask Allay to search for lost items that may be out of place in their world.
  • Allay will follow the player who gave him the item last time and thus you will tame these Minecraft creatures .
    • If an item is removed from Allay due to repeatedly interacting with it empty-handed, Allay will not continue.

Learn more about Allays and what they are used for.

When it comes to the tool that Allays offers players, there is no limit to perfection. As mentioned, they can be helpful in finding lost items on the ground. They have a very large 64 block radius to fascinate the player and can search for items up to 32 blocks away.

Although there are some restrictions (must be a drop item, they can't dive), this can be a nice bonus for the player.

Moreover, Allais makes good friends in the farms . They can carry dropped items from farms that drop crops. In addition, Allays will also deliver to any active pad in the game , so for example, players can place a funnel near the pad and Allays will deliver any item thrown around the active pad, as shown by xisumavoid. the video

As a fun bonus, Allai will also do a little dance when he hears the music sound.

Exclusive to the Bedrock Edition, Allays can teleport through a Nether portal. He can also be teleported through the last portal, but only if the player gives him an item beforehand and he must be near the player during the teleportation.

After update 1.19.1, Allays are now replayable. To do this, play Allay and Amethyst Shard in the dance. He will take heart and repeat. It can be repeated after five minutes without it.

Minecraft is available on multiple platforms including PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, Android and iOS devices.

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