Techno Electric Consolidated December 2022 Net Sales At Rs 185.26 Crore, Down 38.93% YoY

Techno Electric Consolidated December 2022 Net Sales At Rs 185.26 Crore, Down 38.93% YoY
Quarterly consolidated data of Techno Electric and Engineering LLC. they are:

In December 2022, net sales of €185.26 million decreased by 38.93%. 303.35 million in December 2021.

Quarterly net income in December 2022 was 31.41 million, down 72.66% from 114.87 million in December 2021.

EBITDA was €43.30 million in December 2022, down 73.41% from €162.83 million in December 2021.

Techno Electric's earnings per share fell to €2.87 in December 2022 from €10.44 in December 2021.

Techno Electric shares closed on February 16, 2023 (NSE) at 357.80, up 27.65% in the last 6 months and 42.10% in the last 12 months.

Techno Electroengineering Company LLC
Consolidated quarterly results rupees kr.
December 22 September 22nd 21 December
Net sales/operating income 185.26 228.03 303.35
Other operating income -- -- --
Total operating income 185.26 228.03 303.35
consumption of raw materials 142.42 148.81 272.71
Shopping -- -- --
Inventory increase/decrease -5.14 -18.99 -37.42
power and fuel -- -- --
employee rates 9.84 10.32 9.44
depreciation 1.92 31.10 29.10
Remote -- -- --
Administration and distribution costs -- -- --
R&D spending -- -- --
Reserves and contingent liabilities -- -- --
Exp. capital letters -- -- --
additional expenses 14.79 16.85 16.01
Profit/loss before Other Inc., Int., Exc. goods and taxes 21.43 60.73 32.32
other income 19.95 19.01 120.22
W/L before Int., except. goods and taxes 41.38 79.74 152.54
interest 1.63 1.30 1.63
Profit and loss before tax and emergency assets 39.75 78.43 150.91
great article -- -- --
P&L before tax 39.75 78.43 150.91
tax 9.24 19.63 36.67
After taxes from ordinary activities K/L 30.50 58.81 114.24
previous year's adjustment -- -- --
great article 0.91 -- --
Net profit/(loss) for the period 31.41 58.81 114.24
minority interests 0.00 0.00 0.00
Section of profit and loss of partners -- -- 0.63
Net profit/loss after MI and associates 31.41 58.81 114.87
social capital 21.65 21.99 22.00
Excluding revaluation reserves -- -- --
Share Dividends (%) -- -- --
Before amazing EPS
Basic earnings per share 2.87 5.35 10.44
Diluted earnings per share 2.87 5.35 10.44
eps after awesome
Basic earnings per share 2.87 5.35 10.44
Diluted earnings per share 2.87 5.35 10.44
Participation of citizens in actions
Number of shares (crores) -- -- --
Participation (%) -- -- --
Shares of the promoter and the promotion group
a) Pledged / Embargoed
- Number of shares (crores) -- -- --
- WHO. Participation (Group Ø and % of the total number of promoters) -- -- --
- WHO. Shares (% of total company share limit) -- -- --
b) No tax
- Number of shares (crores) -- -- --
- WHO. Participation (% of total cheerleading and sponsor participation) -- -- --
- WHO. Shares (% of total company share limit) -- -- --
Source: Dion Global Solutions Limited

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