Need For Speed Is Never Going To Recapture Its Glory Days
The need for speed has been losing its way for decades. It's not a secret. Each new entry is a way for electronic art to revive long-lost interest in the Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo franchises. Arcade racing games aren't very common these days, so it's strange that one of the original founders of the genre has struggled to last this long. What went wrong?
I'm not addicted to racing games, but the need for speed has always been one of the biggest players. He has firmly established himself in the genre with the popularity of Underground, Carbon and the highly sought after Street Race and Fast and Furious films such as Burnout. In the shelter of the night, the attractions are especially impressive, accompanied by techno music and distant police sirens. The games were great, they still are, but the magic once there never came back.
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A quick look at the Need for Speed Wikipedia page reveals dozens of games we've all forgotten about. A year A once beautiful motorsport version has turned into a mix of gray and dark gray and black (the dream of fast competitors) or a sun-shriveled fake with tricks worse than milk. Run, Payback and 2015).
I never mentioned Heat, Pro Street, Shift or No Limits. There are so many games that none of them are really memorable in the modern age. EA is constantly trying to reinvent the wheel, and so when it starts working on something new, there's really nothing to build on. We've learned to cancel this series, and Unbound wants to change that.
Part of me was surprised to see some of my colleagues actively enthusiastic about this new entry, even though it was only a few months away from its release and was announced out of nowhere. The presence of artists like A$AP Rocky serves as a theme for the game, as their music helps create the soundscape, giving young players a platform to instantly connect with, but the anime-rich aesthetic is huge for me. boring. Topics that have been neglected in the last decade. After Burnout's demise, Electronic Arts seems to have failed to understand that street racing doesn't have to be so intense or realistic, as long as it takes pictures of the moon and looks shiny and confident. In his artistic vision. This is where full game expectations are high with this approach.
Unlimited can do that, but it represents another unit that's going nowhere. Releasing heat promises a three-year hiatus, so why am I announcing it to the point where I fear its existence? Don't do that. Going to town with a bad spirit and the microscope trend permeates the music and visuals because that's the audience you need to target first. I think this need for speed is not the right direction, and it is not timely to repeat such an aesthetic in such a quick final reception in future games.
We'll never have the much-sought-after, underground, carbon-proof combo again - and that's fine - but I hope the series is an experimental flash in the pan that survives only for name recognition and catches on to something. .. Despite its style, the jury is still out on whether Unbound can turn the tide or just be a passing wave.
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